Top tips for choosing your christmas tree

THE first two weekends in December are always the busiest for buying real Christmas trees, but it's worth spending time looking for one that will suit your home as well as your budget.

Young child carrying Christmas TreeWYEVALES GARDEN CENTRES

The first two weekends in December are always the busiest for buying real Christmas trees

Tips from Wyevales Garden Centre include choosing a tree that isn't pre-wrapped in netting so you can see the shape.

The needles should be a dark green colour rather than pale and washed out, and needles should feel waxy and not dry. To check the state of the tree's health, stroke a few of the branches to see if the needles come off and don't buy it if they do.

When you get your tree home cut a slice off the bottom of the trunk and stand the tree in a bucket of water outside for at least a night before bringing it indoors.

Your tree's final position is the key to keeping it looking good all through Christmas.

Woman dragging Christmas treeWYEVALES GARDEN CENTRES

Choose a tree that isn't pre-wrapped in netting so you can see the shape

Don't put it next to a radiator, or any direct heat, and keep it away from draughts.

As for decorating the tree, Craig Roman from Dobbies Garden Centres advises that you don't take the wrapping off your tree until you have secured it in its base.

"If you do, you'll find yourself fighting with branches and crawling underneath the foliage," says Craig, Dobbies' Home And Garden Styling expert.

Christmas tree in boot of carGETTY

Don't take the wrapping off your tree until you have secured it in its base

He suggests that after putting it in its base you leave the tree for 24 hours so the branches settle.

Then you can decorate it with the biggest items on the largest branches first.

Winter flora and wildlife are on trend this year, he says, with Christmas owls, hedgehogs and reindeer particularly popular.

Christmas TreeGETTY

The needles should be a dark green colour rather than pale and washed out

I always fix the decorations to the tree with wire, rather than string. This means I can completely control where they sit, rather than rely on where they hang

Craig Roman, Dobbies Garden Centres

Iridescent and sparkling decorations are always popular, though, especially those with a fairy tale theme.

As for his Number One tip, Craig says: "I always fix the decorations to the tree with wire, rather than string.

"This means I can completely control where they sit, rather than rely on where they hang."


For information about Christmas trees and decorations go to and

Top 10 Facts About Christmas Trees

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