Deadheading: The six types of plants to deadhead regularly in your garden

DEADHEADING helps to improve the appearance of your plants by encouraging healthy new growth. Removing spent blooms from flowers is the main goal of deadheading, but which specific types of plants should you be focusing on?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Gardening: Expert demonstrates how to deadhead flowers

Deadheading is done to remove faded or dead growth from , and is one of the easiest tasks to do. While it may seem simple, deadheading can have a significant impact on the appearance of your but which types of plants do you need to do it to? These are the six key plants to deadhead regularly in your garden.

The best time to deadhead the garden in plants is when the spent flowers begin to look scruffy and faded.

For best results, it is recommended that deadheading should be done as soon as possible, so it is crucial to look out for the earliest signs that your plant has finished flowering.

While all flowering or fruiting plants will benefit from being deadheaded at least once after they stop blooming, some varieties should be tended to more regularly.

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Deadheading geraniums/ deadheading roses

Deadheading: The six types of plants to deadhead regularly in your garden (Image: GETTY)

Red geraniums being deadheaded

Deadheading: Shrubs, climbers, bedding plants, bulbs, geraniums and roses should all be deadheaded (Image: GETTY)

Bedding plants

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), tender plants growing in beds, containers and hanging baskets respond well to deadheading.

Once the bright blooms have faded on your bedding flowers, it’s time to remove all spent or weak petals and free-up some space for new growth to flourish.

Deadheading bedding flowers is as simple as picking away wilted blooms with a pinch of your finger and thumb, but which flowers should you focus on?

Argyranthemums, Cherry pie, Pansies, Polyanthus and Petunias will all respond well to light deadheading without any tools - and it can be done in just a matter of minutes.

When to prune garden plants infgraphic

Deadheading: Some plants need pruning or deadheading more regularly than others (Image: THE EXPRESS)


Geraniums are a firm favourite for gardeners across Britain, and these stunning flowers should be at the top of your list when it comes to regular deadheading.

As soon as you see geraniums fade or notice wilted clusters of blooms, remove the unsightly growth by holding the flower stalk near the base and pulling downwards.

By doing this, you should achieve a clean snap which will separate the old bloom from the plant.


Roses are another British classic that benefit greatly from regular deadheading.

The key is to remove faded flowers by gently snapping them off - breaking the stalk just below the head of the rose bud.

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Deadheading wilted daffodils

Deadheading: Spring and summer flowering bulbs should be deadheaded as soon as they begin to fade (Image: GETTY)


Deadheading can produce impressive results on most plants, but shrubs are one variety you should pay special attention to.

The RHS said: “Among the most important shrubs to deadhead are rhododendron (and azaleas), camellias, lilacs and tree peonies.”

For a tool-free approach, use your finger and thumb to pick or snap off each dead-head where it joins the stem.

Secateurs can be used to cut just below the flower head, though you should avoid damaging buds or developing growths which sit immediately below the flower.


Climbers should be deadheaded regularly where practical - particularly Eccremocarpus, as it rapidly produces seed pods.

Secateurs are the best way to remove spent blooms on intertwining vines, so make sure they are clean and sharp before attempting to remove unsightly blooms.


Flowers should always be removed from larger bulbs, such as daffodils, as soon as they appear wilted or dead.

Take care to remove the seed capsule alongside the spent blooms, while leaving the green flower stalk in place.

The stalk plays a crucial role in future growth of the plant as it helps to photosynthesise, encouraging a flush of healthy flowers the following season.

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