When to prune climbing roses - the key season to prune and what to do if you've missed it

CLIMBING ROSES are an elegant addition to any garden, but they can become weak and overgrown if left unpruned. So when should you do it?

By Phoebe Cornish, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

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Roses are loved for their full, bright heads but they will struggle to bloom without proper pruning. Keeping climbers tidy and well-kept is crucial to secure vibrant petals and a strong structure, but when exactly should you cut back the stems? Express.co.uk reveals the best time to prune climbing roses, and what to do if you’ve missed your chance.

When to prune climbing roses

Nearly all climbers offer more than one flush of flowers each year which is why pruning is pivotal to keep your roses thriving from March to June.

The key to stimulating healthy growth throughout the flowering season is to prune away unwanted stems while the is dormant.

In the UK, climbing roses are dormant in autumn and .

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Pruning roses/ red climbing roses

When to prune climbing roses - the key season to prune and what to do if you've missed it (Image: GETTY)

Pink climbing roses

When to prune climbing roses - roses will return with a vibrant flush of flowers after pruning (Image: GETTY)

Most varieties of climbing roses will respond well to a thorough winter prune, though there is one exception.

According to Gardeners’ World, rambling roses should be pruned immediately after flowering rather than the cold season - when growth is almost nonexistent.

When pruning a climber, the main goal is to tidy up the framework in order to keep the stems secure and strong, so that they can support a continual flush of bold flower heads.

The main rule to remember while pruning your climbing rose is to remove the side shoots back to the four healthy buds towards the base of the stems.

Man pruning roses

When to prune climbing roses - pruning is best done in the dormant season (Image: GETTY)

When to prune garden plants infographic

When to prune climbing roses - the key season to prune and what to do if you've missed it (Image: THE EXPRESS)

How to prune climbing roses

Pruning away old growth is best done before the plant begins to flower, so it is crucial to try to get it done between January and February, or even early March.

Use a pair of sharp, clean secateurs to cut just above the bud that points in the direction that you want the new stem to grow.

You should take care to avoid cutting above any bud that will grow directly into a garden path or obstruct a walkway, so think ahead while choosing where to prune.

The key areas to target are:

  • Crossing stems - these can cause die-back and lead to disease or fungal infections
  • Lacklustre, limp growth - your plant will struggle to flower without a strong structure

Once your climber is pruned, you should tie the stems to establish strong support ahead of the growing season.

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Pink flowering climbing roses

When to prune climbing roses - pruning is crucial for a strong healthy stem structure (Image: GETTY)

Can you prune climbing roses in spring?

If you don’t prune your climbing roses before they start growing, it's not the end of the world.

While you’re likely to end up with a jumbled mass of weak, twiggy stems, it is generally still okay to cut back unproductive growth throughout spring if you missed your chance in winter.

Start by removing visibly weak vines and tidying up the structure of your climbing roses to rejuvenate growth.

This may be at the expense of flower production, but your climber will look better than ever the following summer.

Garden design recommends doing a lighter prune from March through to May, so avoid making drastic cuts to your climber while the plant is trying to grow.

You should focus on removing winter-killed growth and diseased vines during spring.

Try to make clean cuts on leggy wooden canes and crossing branches as this will secure healthier growth in the long term.

For re-blooming varieties of climbing roses, you should take care to deadhead side shoots after the first flush of spring flowers in order to encourage the next wave of blooms.

Lateral canes can be pruned at any time of the year in order to keep the climber in shape.

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