‘Kills plant at ground level’: ‘Effective’ 29p ‘trick’ to ‘banish’ weeds from your garden

GARDEN weeds are a problem gardeners are constantly struggling with all year round. Gardening experts have shared the most "effective" 29p tick to "banish" weeds from gardens. They claimed that the trick "kills plants at ground level".

By Angela Patrone, Senior Lifestyle Reporter

Gardening expert demonstrates how to get rid of weeds

weeds are essentially a growing where they are not wanted. There are a number of plants that pretty much always fall into the category of weeds, either for their vigorous growth and ability to take over or the ability to keep regrowing. Fortunately, experts at Green Lawn Fertilizing have shared the best “safe” and “effective” method for killing garden weeds.

They shared that in particular is great for killing weeds.

The experts said: “Removing weeds from your garden can be back-breaking work. 

“Luckily, there is a safe, effective method of killing them that can be found in most pantries! 

“Distilled white vinegar contains acetic acid that attacks the weed, zapping it down to the root. 

“This natural remedy is pesticide-free, making it both environmentally friendly and harmless for use in a vegetable garden.”

White vinegar can be purchased from Asda for only 29p.


‘Kills plant at ground level’: ‘Effective’ 29p ‘trick’ to ‘banish’ weeds from your garden

‘Kills plant at ground level’: ‘Effective’ 29p ‘trick’ to ‘banish’ weeds from your garden (Image: GETTY)

The experts added: “Follow these steps to learn how to banish weeds from your garden naturally.”

The gardening experts have shared six steps for gardeners to follow to get rid of weeds.

Aim for dry conditions

Gardeners should be sure to check the weather forecast before applying vinegar to the weeds in their garden. 

The experts said: “Try for a span of two to three consecutive days of dry, sunny weather. 

“This allows time for the weed roots to absorb the vinegar.


“Dry soil is important as water can dilute the vinegar’s potency while sunlight speeds the absorption process.”

Fill a spray bottle with vinegar

The acetic acid in vinegar is a desiccant, meaning it draws moisture out of plant foliage.

Most household varieties contain five percent acidity, which can kill seedlings, young weeds, and some mature weeds.

The gardening pros said: “If household vinegar doesn’t do the trick, horticultural vinegar with a 15 percent to 20 percent acetic level should be more effective.”

The experts explained that the vinegar will inure the weeds, reduce their water uptake and inhibit germination and growth.

Garden weeds are essentially a plant growing where they are not wanted

Garden weeds are essentially a plant growing where they are not wanted (Image: GETTY)

Apply the vinegar

Liberally spray the weeds with vinegar using a piece of cardboard to shield other plants. 

Gardeners can also apply the vinegar directly to the weeds, using a small paint brush to cover both sides of the leaves, the stalk, and flowers. 

For well-established, perennial weeds, it helps to boil the vinegar first. 

The gardening experts said: “This is a popular method for killing the growth that comes up through cracks in concrete on patios and driveways. 

“The root system absorbs the vinegar while the heat of the boiling liquid begins to kill the plant at the ground level.”

High and dry

Avoid watering any plants in the affected area for two days.

Best tips for watering your garden

Gardening: Best tips for watering your garden (Image: EXPRESS)

Try again 

Sometimes weeds require reapplication before dying completely. 

Reapply the white vinegar as necessary until they are completely dead.

Discard the weeds

Remove the dead weeds from the garden. 

If the weed still appears to be alive, dig into the dirt and apply vinegar directly to the tap root. 

Cover the area with soil being careful to apply vinegar to the root without saturating the soil.

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