Calls for new 'mandatory' pedal cameras to be introduced across UK in major rule change

Campaigners have called for the introduction of new "mandatory" safety cameras to be installed in every car.

By Luke Chillingsworth, Cars Reporter

car pedals

Experts have called for new pedal cameras (Image: Getty)

Experts have demanded that new “mandatory” cameras are installed in vehicles across the UK in a bid to boost road safety. 

Specialists at car leasing firm XLCR have called for the introduction of new pedal cameras which record motorists' feet movements at all times in a major driving law overhaul. 

It comes as officials in South Korea are debating whether to install the devices in cars after a series of incidents. 

Earlier this month, a car mounted a pavement in central Seoul in a collision which shockingly killed nine pedestrians. 

However, the driver claimed the crash was caused by sudden unintended acceleration (SUA)  with the brakes not functioning at the time of the accident. 

busy road

New cameras may help boost safety in urban areas (Image: Getty)

But, the National Forensic Service concluded he was probably at fault and accused the motorist of pressing the throttle down. 

Alex Woodcock, spokesperson for XLCR said the discussion in South Korea presented an opportunity to look into the technology in the UK. 

He stressed the cameras could “deter drivers” from “acting recklessly” and could prove to be a major safety boost

He explained: “The devastating event in Seoul is a clear example of why pedal cameras should be installed in vehicles."

He added: “It’s a stark reminder of why we should have them installed here in the UK as it can help deter drivers from acting recklessly on the road.

“Hundreds of thousands of road traffic accidents take place every year and this needs to be reduced immediately.”

In South Korea, Lee Heon-seung, a member of the People Power Party, suggested manufacturers should install pedal cameras in vehicles to tackle SUA. 

However, Transport Minister Park Sang-woo suggested compulsory cameras could impact car exports with no other country having a similar rule in place. 

XLCR suggested that the threat of having movements recorded could tempt motorists into behaving on the road. 

There were around 333,296 road traffic accidents across Great Britain in 2022.

They also stressed pedal cameras could also help ease the pressure on the judicial system, by helping to solve road accident cases much quicker. 

Alex added: “We believe that it’ll also greatly aid trials in determining responsibility for road accidents as the evidence will be documented in black and white on camera.”

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