Britain's buy-to-let £200billion mortgage boom now equivalent to economy of Hong Kong

BRITAIN's outstanding buy-to-let loans have now topped £200billion - equivalent to the entire GDP of Hong Kong - according to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).

Hong kong skylineGETTY

Britain's buy-to-let boom is now the same size as Hong Kong's ecnomy

Over the last five years lending to landlords has soared, with buy-to-let loans accounting for more than 70 per cent of the growth, shows data from the trade body.

The number of mortgages on offer to property investors is at its highest level since 2008, helping to push lending to a post-financial crisis high of £33billion this year.

And the amount of money injected into buy-to-let shows no signs of slowing.

In July buy-to-let loans jumped a huge 33 per cent year-on-year and 14 per cent month-on-month - by way of comparison, first-time buyers increased by seven per cent year-on-year and five per cent year-on-year.

However, landlord loans are still a way off their 2007 peak, when banks gave more than £45billion in buy-to-let mortgages.

buy-to-let graphCML

Annual buy-to-let lending is still off its 2007 peak

The trade body said that upcoming tax changes introduced by the Chancellor in this year's Budget could make property to rent a less attractive.

Almost a quarter of all buy-to-let loans are for properties in London, which is almost twice the share the capital has for home buyer mortgages.

In second place the South East sees 15 per cent of landlord loans, only slightly less than its equivalent for owner-occupied lending.

buy to let graphCML

London has a quarter of the buy-to-let mortgage market

buy to let graphCML

Buy-to-let investors favour flats

More than a third of buy-to-let loans are to enable investors to buy flats and another third to buy terraced homes, according to the CML.

It comes after the Bank of England today warned that buy-to-let lending poses a risk to Britain's financial stability.

In line with rising house prices investors are in line taking on ever larger loans, which leaves them vulnerable if house prices are to fall, said the Financial Policy Committee in a report.

The Bank said that if the housing market were to enter a downturn, landlords could find themselves under pressure.

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