Which industries offer highest pension contributions? 'Pension help' searches double

EMPLOYER pension contributions are a perk to many jobs, but which industries offer the best rates? A new study reveals the top 10.

By Katie Elliott, Senior Personal Finance Reporter based in London

Interactive Investor share how to invest your pension

As the skyrockets, Google searches for “pension help” has increased a significant 157 percent from this time 10 years ago. However, there are many routes Britons can take to give their pension pots a boost. One way is to opt into a workplace , as these often come with sizeable, additional contributions from the employer - depending on the industry.

What is a workplace pension?

A workplace pension offers a way for employees to save for their retirement through their wages.

Every month, a certain percentage will be deducted from the employee's salary and paid directly into a pension pot set up by the employer. The employer will also contribute to this pot with their own percentage.

Employer pension contributions vary across industries and sectors, and while some typically match the contribution, some can offer a significant amount more.

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Pension pot, teacher

'Pension help' searches hit ten-year high - which industries offer highest pension contributions? (Image: GETTY)

Shopping bags

Employers in wholesale and retail trade has lowest percentage of pension contributions, study says. (Image: GETTY)

However, with living costs spiralling, people have been busy searching for ways to get the best returns for their money, and pensions appear to be one of the higher priorities for Britons as the years have gone on.

For those with pensions high on the agenda, they may want to know the industries offering the best rates.

After analysing data from the Office of National Statistics, Investing Reviews has revealed a startling comparison of pension contributions across industries in a new study.

Which industries offer the best pension contributions by employers?

The research aimed to establish which industry has the highest percentage of its workforce receiving employer pension contributions of 20 percent or more.

This research revealed that employers in public administration and defence (including compulsory social security) are the most generous when it comes to pension contributions with 67.9 percent of employers contributing 20 percent or more to their employees’ pension pot.

The second-best sector to work in in terms of employer contributions to pensions is education.

The percentage of employers in the education sector contributing 20 percent or more currently rests at 64 percent - the second highest percentage out of all industries.

The high contribution percentage is likely due to both industries being based mainly in the state sector as well as the private sector.

Employers in the electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply sector that contribute 20 percent or more to their employees’ pension pot rest at 19.4 percent - the third highest percentage of any industry.

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Employers in the electricity, gas, and steam sector rank fifth on pension contribution list (Image: GETTY)

State pension age predicted to rise to 68 earlier than expected - are you affected?

The state pension age is currently 66 in the UK, however there are proposals in place to increase this to 68.

When will the change happen? Find out HERE.

The fourth best sector to work in for a good pension contribution is the human health and social work activities sector.

A total of 15.4 percent of employers in this sector contribute 20 percent or more to the pensions of their employees.

Water supply, including waste management, sewerage, and remediation activities, is the fifth-best sector to work in for good employer contributions to pensions.

Employers in this sector contributing 20 percent or more to pension pots amount to 10.6 percent, the fifth highest of all industries.

However, the study found employers in wholesale and retail trade (including motor vehicles and motorcycle repair) has the lowest percentage of employer contributions of 20 percent or more, at only 1.3 percent.

A spokesperson from Investing Reviews said: “With the cost of living crisis playing on the minds of many, working in a sector that offers good pension contributions can bring ease of mind when thinking about future finances.

“This study serves as an insightful guide as to the sectors where employer contributions are higher than others.”

Here’s the list of top 10 industries and sectors seeing employers pay 20 percent or more into employee pensions pots in order, as gathered by Investing Reviews.

  • Public administration and defence - 67.9 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Education - 64 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply - 19.4 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Human health and social work activities - 15.4 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Water supply - 10.6 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Arts and entertainment - 8.5 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Finance and insurance activities - 7.6 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Transport and storage - 7.2 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Real Estate activities - 6.2 percent pay 20 percent or more
  • Professional, scientific and technical activities - four percent pay 20 percent or more

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