Pensioner on just state pension shocked after Scottish Power energy bill surges to £4,600

A WOMAN was shocked to find her energy bill had leaped from £120 to £4,600 per month, making her annual bill four times more than her income.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Energy bills: Chairman reveals 140% increase in calls for help

She had been alerted that her energy bill would increase by £500, but is now being charged eight times more than her original bill every month. The mum-of-three survives on a state pension income of £12,000 per year and claims to have been threatened with debt collectors.

Phyllis Kennedy, 73, told SWNS her situation was "insane".

The widow lives in Basingstoke, Hampshire, in a modest three-bedroom bungalow.

Ms Kennedy moved into the property in October, when the energy bill was £120 per month. 

She was notified by Scottish Power in March that her bills would be going up by £500 a year, far from the actual increase she has seen.

On April 5, she received a text from Scottish Power stating that her latest bill was £4,606. 


Phyllis Kennedy

Phyllis Kennedy believes she has not used over £4,000 of energy in a month (Image: Tony Kershaw/SWNS)

She said: "It jumped from £120 per month to £4,600 and it is very worrying when you get a text like that with a bill.

“It’s a small three-bedroom bungalow and I don’t understand how anyone could think I should be paying £4,600 a month.”

The situation is expected to take a few weeks to be solved, and Ms Kennedy noted that it has had an unprecedented impact on her life. 

Ms Kennedy has called and email the energy company, and sent images of her meter readings using their online chat function. 

She shared: "I've been trying to get in touch with Scottish Power but I'm not tech savvy. They said I sent a smart meter reading in and it's £4,600 a month. I have sent photos, but they are insisting the bill is correct and that I owe £4,600.


Phyllis Kennedy

Ms Kennedy's bill now far outweighs her income (Image: Tony Kershaw/SWNS)

She claims that she was told her case was in the hands of debt collectors, who could be held off if she made a payment. 

Which she did on April 19, paying £100 towards the bill in fear of her power being switched off.

She currently has no way of paying the massive bill and Scottish Power has insisted that their readings and billing is correct. 

Her smart meter was taken off a wall and put back on in March by engineers, and she believes this may have caused it to glitch.

Ms Kennedy explained: “They are still saying the readings are more than £4,000. It works out that the annual bill is £48,000 which is four times my annual income.”

Now, more than a month after the original shock bill, Ms Kennedy is still trying to handle the situation. 

She exclaimed: “This has been going on for a month now, and I am worried they are going to turn off my power or debt collectors will turn up at my door.

"I'm a widow, things haven't been easy.

“My husband died at 47 of a brain tumour and I’ve worked hard all my life to keep a roof over my head as money has been very tight.

“The thought of my energy bill adding up to around £48,000 a year, at £4,600 a month, is very worrying.”

Scottish Power told MEN: “We’re currently investigating the concerns raised about the energy bill issued to Mrs Kennedy for March 2022, and will be in touch with her to discuss directly.” has contacted Scottish Power for further comment. 

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