'The penny dropped' Man explains how he is on track to retire at age 42

SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR Logan Leckie, 25, says that after a few lifestyle changes he went from saving six percent of his monthly salary to 48 percent, allowing him to pursue true financial independence and early retirement.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Pension: Expert gives advice on preparing for retirement

His aggressive saving and investing habits have enable Mr Leckie to leave full-time employment for his entrepreneurial venture, noting that this would not have been possible without joining the FIRE movement. Mr Leckie has always been involved in entrepreneurship and finances, founding a B2C platform for musicians at 16 working at a start-up to raise £800,000 in seed funding rounds and spending sometime at a global investment bank.

Since joining the FIRE movement at the age of 23, Mr Lecki has been able to vastly improve his financial situation, saying that saving anything around £200 of his monthly income was “a cause for celebration” before his mindset shift. 

A mere four months later Mr Leckie was saving 48 percent of his income, roughly £1,400 and calculated himself to be a minuscule 15 year away from retirement.

“How did this happen? I discovered the FIRE movement.  As soon as I heard about FIRE the penny dropped - the idea that I could become financially independent at 40-55 and, if I wanted to, retire 10-25 years earlier than the national retirement age blew my mind; 10-25 years of not working,  10-25 years of living a fulfilled life on my terms with the complete flexibility to choose how I spent my time every single day,” he explained. 

Initially, Mr Leckie thought it did sound too good to be true but after discovering a wealth of case studies and people who had achieved everything he wanted, he began taking his finances seriously.

Couple sitting on a beach

Many aim to retire young and have financial freedom but Mr Leckie appears to be making this reality (Image: GETTY)

The first basic steps he took was to set up an ISA and direct debits into a low-cost index fund.

He also added that while his original goal had been purely to retire early, the financial freedom and flexibility of a rapidly growing net worth saw him lose dependence on his job.

“I knew that if I left or lost my job, I could draw down on my investments for at least two years and sustain my current lifestyle.

“As a result of this newfound flexibility, I was able to quit my job and focus on building an app, Topia, to help other people retire early, which I was incredibly passionate about.”


Mr Leckie shared that without the FIRE movement, none of this would have been possible as he had never had the reserves needed to lose his monthly salary before. 

But saving and investing all of this money so quickly, how did he find it and where exactly did it all go?

Mr Leckie explained that before starting Topia his monthly savings all went into investments, with eight percent going towards his pension and 40 percent going to an ISA. 

Mr Leckie put it down to "housing, food, transport” labelling these his “big three savings opportunities".

Piggy bank overflowing with money

By changing his lifestyle Mr Leckie was able to save over six times more money every month (Image: GETTY)

“From a housing standpoint, I couldn't actually cut back too much as I already lived in a relatively cheap flat in London. The one thing I did manage to do is sub-let my room whenever I went on holiday.

“Food and transport were the big areas I cut down on. I deleted Uber and all takeaway apps from my phone. I stopped all takeaways and Pret lunches and just cooked all my meals. For transport I bought a bike and cycled everywhere, literally everywhere!

“On top of this I cut down on any impulsive/ad-hoc expenditure such as clothes shopping etc. Overall all of this saved me an additional £500 per month.”

In addition to these three money saving techniques, Mr Leckie sought to bring some self-awareness to his financial circumstances, listing his 10 biggest monthly expenses and sticking them onto his mirror so he could focus on reducing those costs.

He was also able to receive a raise from his full-time job before leaving, simply by proving to his boss that he was worth the market rates, which were higher than his salary at that time. 

He also ensured to take full advantage of his employer match pension, which was the eight percent, and helped himself by bring more money in through side hustles such as playing the bagpipes or selling things on eBay.

“Overall, FIRE just provided the stimulus to kick me into action.

"None of the above is rocket science, it was all pretty easy to implement and I found my savings rate had increased in no time with minimal impact on my life / happiness,” he noted.

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