Best paying jobs in social media: The roles which pay DOUBLE the national average

WITH the average UK salary roughly around £31,461, how does your pay packet weigh up against the best paying social media roles?

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Penelope Lively discusses impact of social media on writers

The highest paying role currently in social media is that of an engagement manager, which offers an average salary of $80,436 (£58,704) while even the lowest paying role offers around the national average at $38,194 (£28,026). So what do these roles mean, how does one start and just how common are they in the digital world?

PostBeyond revealed all in their research into the most searched-for and well-paying roles in social media.

As the digital industry’s horizons see unprecedented growth, many people feel the pull for a career change into this thriving sector, but is it truly worth it and what should people expect?

The social media and digital industry obviously requires at least some digital knowledge but the level required can vary dramatically depending on the role.

Designers, analysts and strategists often need specialised training whereas roles like a content writer or brand ambassador may seem more accessible to some.

Woman smiling at her laptop

These high-paying jobs are also often remote due to their digital nature (Image: GETTY)

PostBeyond found that the highest paying social media role at the moment was an engagement manager with a salary of $80,436 (£58,704).

While incredibly well-paying, the term ‘engagement manager’ only receives around 9,000 monthly searches worldwide.

In comparison, blogger, with the lowest paying average salary of $38,194 (£28,026), received over four million monthly searches.

No other social media role is close to blogger in terms of searches and popularity, although community and social media managers are the closest with 207,000 and 131,000 monthly searches respectively.


These positions are also similarly well-paid, both offering around $52,000 (£38,157) with community manager being $500 (£366) more than social media manager.

A social media designer, which essentially spear heads graphic content across all of a company’s social media profiles, also gets paid in this price range.

On the higher end of the average salary spectrum is a brand manager offering around $71,343 (£52,351) salary to be entirely in charge of a company’s brand and strategising how it would be best displayed online.

Unlike a social media designer, brand managers will look at a company’s social media profile as well as the rest of their digital footprint such as web adverts and their actual website.

People connected by digital profiles

Social media jobs are on the rise as businesses have seen the importance of their digital footprint (Image: GETTY)

A content strategist and content manager also follow a similar quota, looking at a company’s content across all digital platforms and get paid decently with an average of $60,000 (£44,028).

Filling up the final two spots in PostBeyond’s top 10 list are social media specialists and brand ambassadors.

Social media specialists do require a fair amount of knowledge and expertise in order to find the best strategy for a business’s unique social media needs and goals.

Offering a salary of $45,687 (£33,525), it may be on the lower end of the salary spectrum for these roles but it also does not necessarily require specialist education, only a good knowledge of the social media sphere which can be done independently of educational institutions.

Brand ambassadors are sometimes confused with the influencer industry, but there are significant differences.

Influencers generate an income by showcasing a company’s product to their following. Often this means they ‘work’ for multiple companies, showcasing a range of different products on their own social media pages.

Brand ambassadors also generally work on their own social media pages, but they represent the entirety of specific brands rather than just advertising a single product at a time.

This means that while the pay is generally more stable at $43,701 (£32,067) average salary. It also means an ambassadors attitude, outlook and majority of their online presence has to be in line with the brand’s values to create a seamless connection between ambassador and brand.

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