Entrepreneur with no 'prior experience' explains how she began making £125,000 in 3 years

ENTREPRENEUR Gemma Birbeck explained how she went from an account manager to PR business founder with £125,000 turnover in less than three years.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Six years ago, Ms Birbeck had no qualifications within the public relations industry and didn’t even see herself as an entrepreneur. “In all honesty, I didn’t have a clue how to run a business,” she commented.

Since its inception in 2018, Loaded PR has seen a consistent 104 percent year on year growth and saw £125,000 turnover this year.

“We’ve gone from it being me on my sofa with a laptop, to having an office in Pudsey and an awesome team,” she commented.

It’s undeniably difficult in the modern job market for graduates without experience or people without the correct qualifications to get the best possible role for them.

“I had zero experience in marketing or PR,” Ms Birbeck noted.

But despite this, she went on to create Loaded PR for passion rather than profit.

“I’d worked for companies since the age of 14 and never really felt like I was making a difference. Now, I 100 percent know that we do and the opportunities we create for people stand for something.

Gemma Birbeck

Now at the age of 33, Ms Birbecks business plan could see her making £700,000 in the next few years (Image: Gemma Birbeck)

“I’m a driven person and when I put my mind to something, I stop at nothing to achieve it.

“It came naturally to me when I first began doing those small projects and I got a feeling I had never had before about work. That’s when I knew I had to do everything possible.”

She added that the key to being a successful entrepreneur or employee is to network and learn.

“Build a network of people who’ve been there and done it. You can learn so much from others and you’ll find that most are willing to share their dos and don’ts.

“Also, never get comfortable in your ability. Continuing professional development is an important part of your growth as a business owner and ensuring you are always educated on the latest happenings within your industry will set you apart from others.”

The formation of Loaded PR was accidental according to Ms Birbeck.


“I’d been interested in PR for many years prior to getting into the industry and had often found myself getting involved with the marketing and PR team at previous workplaces, without it being my actual role.”

Ms Birbeck took her passion for the industry as a sign to learn more and began doing online courses, attending conferences and generally building up her skills to explore the industry through volunteer work at a local rugby club.

“My work here caught the attention of a local PR agency owner who declared I ‘had a natural talent’ and should look into working in the industry full time.

“Well, if you’ve ever tried to obtain an agency role before, you’ll understand how difficult it is without having prior experience or a degree under your belt.”

Ms Birbeck went on to freelance, working on anything she could from social media to press releases, although this didn’t come without a fair share of financial concern.

Gemma Birbeck

Loaded PR has seen over 100 percent turnover increase every year (Image: Gemma Birbeck)

“When I first became freelance, I had just one contract worth £900 pcm. I didn’t know whether that would increase in the short term, and it certainly made things difficult, but I was so passionate about continuing my work in the community that I looked over it.”

Ms Birbeck attributes her networking skills with the success of her freelance career; within months she was earning close to her previous salary simply by marketing herself to her contacts.

She was then given the opportunity to work in an agency, which began to take a toll on her volunteer work, and so she resigned after less than a year.

“I’d already set up Leuly PPR as it was known at the time due to my freelance work, so the company was ready for me to start self-employed life."

At the beginning Ms Birbeck relied heavily on word of mouth and went through the emotional rollercoaster entrepreneurs all know too well.

“I made the mistake of not practising what I preach, so for a long time, we remained a business only our clients and their connections had heard of. I suffer massively from imposter syndrome, and that was made worse by how I assumed people would perceive my story to be a negative.

“In hindsight, we could have grown a lot more if we’d have invested the time into marketing and PR for our business. That being said, I do like how the agency has grown at the current pace,” she added.

“The referral-based growth has also enabled us to become specialist in the tech and digital space, particularly start-ups bringing new software/apps to market – something I doubt we would have done without working with so many in the same sector.”

And thanks to this specialisation, while many business slowed and shut down, PR Loaded hit many milestones over the past year.

“We’ve grown the team to six and undergone a complete rebrand to be more reflective of our size and services we offer – we’ve even got a website for the first time! It’s honestly hard to believe at times, and I am so thankful to everyone who’s made it possible.

“It’s amazing to see the growth over the last few years and even more amazing that it’s been achieved through work the team and I do creating raving fans who consistently recommend us to other people.

“Our future growth plan suggests we’ll make it to £700K turnover by 2026,” she concluded.

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