Account managers’ side business creates pawfect matching accessories for pets and owners

THE RISE in side businesses started at the beginning of the very first lockdown, but Danielle Jones only found her entrepreneurial purpose in the third lockdown.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

The Supervet: Noel praises owners for their love for dog

From hobbies to profit, many people used their free-time during lockdown to grow their passion projects. Ms Jones, senior account manager for marketing agency Evolved Search, combined her passion for resin and her love for her dog Bud to create Perfect Presints.

Starting with an entirely different product line, Ms Jones first got her inspiration in the land of lockdown creativity: TikTok.

“We were coming into our 3rd lockdown in Newcastle in December 2020 and I’d decided that I wanted to do something more productive with my time than sitting on the sofa eating pasta and drinking wine and that I should pick up a hobby.

“I then happened across a TikTok of someone resin pouring a gorgeous coaster and thought, THAT’S IT, I’m going to give coasters a go.

“Then I fell down a TikTok hole and I watched a TikTok of someone making resin dog tags and thought – that’s what I want to try.

Danielle Jones

Ms Jones creates personalised dog tags and matching necklaces for dog owners (Image: Danielle Jones)

“I hadn’t actually thought that I’d sell them really, I just wanted to make some for my dog, Bud.”

Perfect Presints creates handmade, custom dog identification tags but the truly unique selling point of this business is the matching owner necklaces.

“When I first started sharing what I was making, I had so many friends and family asking me if they could buy one but the more I sent, the more word of mouth picked up and I had people message me being referred on by friends who’d wanted to gift them to friends and family at Christmas,” she commented.

“Now, I have a loyal following of amazing people – some have every single tag I own and I actually can’t believe it.” 

Being well-versed in the digital world thanks to her digital marketing work, Ms Jones was able to quickly subvert a lot of pitfalls of selling items on a digital platform.


She also contributed her success to another social media platform: Instagram.

I wouldn’t be anywhere or selling as much as I am without it. I also wouldn’t be anywhere without my group of reps.

“I currently have 10 reps who are people who genuinely love my products and are the best cheerleaders, we’ve grown really close.

“The dog community on Instagram is the best place on earth,” she added.

However, balancing a full—time job as well as this thriving side business has not come easily.

Perfect Presints logo

Perfect Presints launched in November 2020 (Image: Danielle Jones)

“Some nights I finish work at 4/5 and then I’m straight onto making tags until 12 and then spend all weekend completing orders, which can be hard but it’s so worth it when people get their orders.

“It’s a tough owning a small business, I don’t think people talk about that much - that 1% expect Amazon lead/delivery times and it’s hard to manage expectations. 

“Also, the amount of people who DM you on Instagram asking for free stuff was a shock to me.

“I don’t think I’d move into doing it full time because I wouldn’t want to lose the passion for it, I don’t want it to feel like work.


“It’s a creative outlet for me when I’m feeling stressed or anxious, so I’m content with how things are right now.

Ms Jones concluded with some advice for other budding entrepreneurs or lockdown side hustlers.

Research the market, trends, products, watch a lot of YouTube videos and find your own niche within a probable already big market.

“Things will go wrong, you will waste money in product testing, trialling new things and figuring out how to get your product perfect, and that is totally normal, you’ll get there – believe me I’ve almost given up a few times.

“You will get customers who aren’t the nicest but that’s the 1% and the 99% make it so worthwhile! Keep going, it’s so rewarding and the bad totally outweighs the good.” 

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