Venezuela banned from hiding economic CRISIS data - IMF steps in

THE IMF is set to come down hard on Venezuela after the oil-rich socialist state failed to provide the monetary fund with important economic data.

Venezuela has been banned from hiding dataGETTY

IMF: Venezuela has been banned from hiding crisis data

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) confirmed in a statement Venezuela will be banned from voting on the financial group’s policies after the Latin American country failed to provide IMF with the economic data it has requested.

With Venezuela unable to vote, the country will be powerless to oppose the fund’s punitive measures should the situation escalate.

President Nicolas Maduro has strangled the release of economic data such as gross domestic product and inflation, saying the country is victim of an “economic war” led by opposition politicians and backed by Washington.

The Venezuelan government has often been accused of limiting the release of the data in order to hide the severity of the crisis in Venezuela, which is facing a mass migration of its citizens and chronic shortages of food and medicine as its socialist economic system collapses.

In data released by the country’s opposition leaders, the cost of basic goods are increasing at a rate of nearly 9,000 percent per year, while the the economy contracted by a massive 13.2 percent in 2017.

President Nicolas MaduroGETTY

President Nicolas Maduro

The IMF had previously warned Venezuela in November it needed to improve the flow of data.

With the IMF becoming increasingly frustrated and concerned, the latest statement said: “Venezuela has not implemented the remedial measures and has failed to provide information on a number of additional items as required.”

“The fund has issued a declaration of censure against Venezuela for its failure to implement these remedial measures.”

The IMF’s statement comes just a couple of weeks before Venezuela’s elections scheduled for May 20—elections that could send the country into further chaos. Election onlookers fear that a new round of sanctions look increasingly likely should its democracy be further undermined by the election.

Venezuela’s oil production has experienced a sharp drop off in the last couple of years, leaving the oil-reliant country cash poor and its citizens hungry. Venezuela, whose production fell below 1.5 million bpd in March, generates 95% of its export revenue from oil.

President Maduro has repeatedly dismissed the IMF as an agent of US colonialism and routinely criticises the institution for leading harsh austerity programs in developing countries.

The IMF’s announcement does not impose immediate penalties on Venezuela but could lead to the fund eventually barring the country from voting on IMF policies.

Venezuela, which was a founding member of the fund in 1946, remains a voting member of the IMF but has not had any formal engagement with the international institution for more than a decade.

The country’s central bank steadily stopped releasing economic data after Maduro took office in 2013, and for years has not published information such as a consumer price index.

Additional reporting from Maria Ortega

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