Get the life you want: Meet two women who consult psychics for career advice

FROM wanting to know when a tall, handsome stranger is going to enter our lives to contacting loved ones who have passed away, we visit psychics for many reasons.

Woman in red dress embraces beam of lightGETTY

A third of British women have sought guidance from psychics and mediums

Psychics continue to be a source of comfort and hope which is why, according to a YouGov poll, more than a third of British women have admitted to seeking their services. 

Yet it appears we are no longer consulting them about our love lives but our career paths. 

Jayne Wallace, a clairvoyant and founder of Psychic Sisters, whose clients include Kim Kardashian, says: “Most of the questions I used to get asked by women were about their love lives but there’s been a noticeable shift in the past two years. 

“Now the majority of clients come for advice about their career and financial security and ask questions such as ‘should I change career, or will the promotion be good for me?’” 

Joylina Goodings, a psychic and president of the British Astrological and Psychic Society, agrees, saying: “This shift has occurred because people are interested in developing themselves. Seeking direction rather than looking to the past.” 

Here we speak to two women who consulted a psychic career coach and have never looked back.

Yoga teacher Sophie smiles at the cameraDAILY EXPRESS

Sophie Bickerdike, 46, runs Go Yoga in Harrogate, North Yorkshire


After university I was determined to become an actress so in 1993 I moved from Coventry, where I had completed a BA in modern languages, to London to pursue my dream career. 

I enrolled in a yearlong masters in film acting and TV and by 1994 was auditioning for and winning small roles. I supported myself by part-time work as a personal assistant. 

Over the next decade I appeared in major soaps – Coronation Street, Emmerdale and Heartbeat – plus independent films and plays. I even featured in a Maltesers advert.

After auditioning for a part in TV drama Cold Feet, I walked past a spiritualist church in central London and decided to go in out of curiosity.

While I hadn’t been to a spiritualist church before, I had visited psychics a couple of times so was open-minded. I joined the already large audience and listened to the medium, a man in his 50s, who was passing on messages from relatives in the spirit world. 

To my surprise, the medium singled me out of the sea of faces and gave me a message. He said: “I can see you with your own business, in your own studio, teaching yoga. I see certificates on the wall.” 

His message angered me because I was still chasing a career defining acting role. Plus I had only ever taken a few yoga classes. I wasn’t about to throw away my career on the advice of a medium. 

But a few months later I found that I was practising yoga more frequently, not because of what the psychic had said but because yogic breathing helped to reduce my stage fright. 

I was doing a lot of theatre at the time and walking on to a stage can be terrifying. Soon, I had two loves: acting and yoga.

I never did land the major acting role I had dreamed of so in 2005, after marrying, I moved back to my hometown of Harrogate. 

I also embarked on a year-long yoga training course and soon began teaching yoga in gyms in my area to great success. Three years ago I took the plunge and set up GoYoga in Harrogate, offering a wide range of yoga styles, retreats and yoga teacher training. 

It was only when I opened my first studio (my second opened last year) that I realised the medium’s prediction had come true. While I didn’t share his vision at first, I have come to realise that yoga has given me an inner peace that I would never have found in the spotlight. 

For details on retreats and classes visit

A woman stretches in a yoga poseDAILY EXPRESS

Yogic breathing helped Sophie get over her stage fright

Elle Zahra, 31, from Epsom, Surrey, is a hair and makeup artist who consults a psychic before making business decisions. 

She owns two salons called Options of London.


I first  consulted psychic Anne Jirsch in 2010 on the advice of a friend because I felt stuck in my life. I was working in IT software support and hated my boring job.

Anne did a tarot reading and said I was in the wrong career. She thought I should be a beautician. I was surprised especially when she added: “You should be working with the public. I can see you putting make-up on people and doing a bride’s hair.”

The more I thought about it the more I realised I would enjoy a career change. I love colour and I was interested in beauty. A week after my tarot reading I signed up for a course with the London School of Beauty & Make-up and found that I was a natural.

Six months later I qualified and visited Anne again. Despite having my sights set on opening my own salon, she told me I needed to take the time to learn my craft and hone my skills. 

I started practising on friends and family and soon people were paying me to do their hair and make-up. I received lots of bridal bookings as Anne had predicted. 

Customers started visiting me at home and I also travelled to wedding venues across the country to do a bride’s hair on her big day. I loved getting out, it was such a contrast to my previous desk job.

Elle puts make-up on a clientDAILY EXPRESS

Elle changed careers after a tarot reading and opened a salon

People pay experts for all sorts of career advice, a psychic just has a gift that's out of the ordinary

Elle Zahra

In 2012 I saw Anne for another reading and she said it was the right time to open my first salon, which was a huge leap for me. She went into so much detail, giving me advice on the salon’s location, hiring staff and products to stock.

When Anne does a reading she tunes into the energy around the issue. When I was hiring a new receptionist I gave her a choice of names and she identified the best person for the job. She used the same process for hiring my stylists.

I trust her judgment completely and rely on her psychic skills so much that since opening my first salon I’ve been visiting Anne every six to eight weeks to see what the future holds business-wise.

In 2014 I decided I wanted to open another salon so I visited Anne once again and gave her a selection of locations. She picked the one she thought would attract the most clients and she was right. 

Last month I wanted to introduce new hair products and Anne helped me make the selection. Some people will think I’m mad going to see a psychic but if the advice has been beneficial to my business then why ignore it? 

People pay experts for all sorts of career advice, a psychic just has a gift that’s out of the ordinary.

For details on workshops and consultations visit

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