Theatre reviews: Husbands And Sons, Thomas Tallis and Clarion

3 / 5 stars
Sons and Lovers

UNLIKE his father and uncles, DH Lawrence never went down the pits, but his childhood in the shadow of the colliery provided him with a rich vein of experience that he mined for much of his life.

theatre, reviews, Husbands And Sons, Thomas Tallis, Clarion, Michael ArdittiPH

DH Lawrence's most celebrated exploration is the novel Sons and Lovers

His most celebrated exploration is the novel Sons and Lovers. Before that, however, he wrote three plays, A Collier’s Friday Night, The Widowing of Mrs Holroyd, and The Daughter-in-Law, whose terse, demotic dialogue has worn far better than his overwrought prose.

Noting their many similarities in character, theme and setting and, acknowledging that they could never match Peter Gill’s legendary Royal Court production of the trilogy, adaptor Ben Power and director Marianne Elliott have combined the three plays into one, Husbands And Sons. 

The adaptation is seamless and elegantly orchestrated, as the bitter bickering of the newlyweds, Luther and Minnie Gascoigne (Joe Armstrong and Louise Brealey), is set against the marital violence of the middle-aged Charles and Lizzie Holroyd (Martin Marquez and Anne-Marie Duff), and the mutual contempt of the elderly Walter and Lydia Lambert (Lloyd Hutchinson and Julia Ford).


Adaptor Ben Power and director Marianne Elliott have combined three plays into one

The effect is that of a communal portrait, rich in correspondences and contrasts, rather than a sustained drama.

There is not a weak link in the cast and Ford, in particular, is excellent, but Elliot’s production lacks focus (emotional as well as physical), and the extensive mime (baking bread, removing hats and coats and opening doors) should have been left in the rehearsal room.

For all the skill of the compilation, the whole is far less than its constituent parts.


Thomas Tallis: Jessica Swain’s sketchy play about the great Tudor composer

Much the same can be said of Thomas Tallis, Jessica Swale's sketchy play about the great Tudor composer who managed to keep his head (in both senses) during the violent religious upheaval under Henry VIII and his children Edward, Mary and Elizabeth.

Swale's claim that the dearth of facts about Tallis’s life stimulated her imagination is not borne out on stage. You don’t have to be Hilary Mantel to object to the sloppy, inauthentic dialogue and the generic scenes of recusant priests and court festivities, in one of which, without any explanation, Henry VIII poisons a castrato.

The saving grace is the music, both Protestant plainsong and Catholic polyphony, beautifully performed, by members of the choral ensemble The Sixteen. Yet neither Swale nor director Adele Thomas integrates actors and musicians, the latter confined for much of the time to the gallery and totally obscured from my seat.

This is the most insubstantial play and clumsiest production I have seen at this address.



Clarion: Mark Jagasia’s scabrous portrait of a once reputable paper

Light relief (for everyone but journalists) can be found in Clarion, Mark Jagasia’s scabrous portrait of a once reputable paper, whose certifiable editor has dragged it into the gutter in a desperate bid to maintain circulation. When Verity, the paper’s veteran foreign columnist, discovers his apparent connivance in an act of terrorism, she sees a way to bring him down.

Jagasia, a onetime journalist, has a fine ear for dialogue and his play is fuelled by a cartoonish energy. Mehmet Ergen’s snappy production is graced by excellent performances from Clare Higgins as Verity and Greg Hicks as her editor, his flailing limbs as expressive as his lines. But Jagasia’s bile against his former profession grows rapidly wearisome.


HUSBANDS AND SONS at the National, London SE1 (Tickets 020 7452 3000/£15-50)

THOMAS TALLIS at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse, London SE1 (Tickets 020 7401 9919/; £10-62)

CLARION at the Arcola, London E8 (Tickets 020 7503 1646/;£10-19)

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