Dance review: Mixed Bill by the Royal Ballet

4 / 5 stars
Mixed Bill by the Royal Ballet

ROYAL Ballet Director Kevin O’Hare has produced one of the best planned programmes seen at Covent Garden so far this season.

dance, review, Mixed Bill, Royal Ballet, Royal Opera House, Jeffery TaylorPH

A delightful delicacy to tantalise everyone’s taste during this brilliant display of dance

There is a delightful delicacy to tantalise everyone’s taste during this brilliant display of dance. And it pops up in repertoire for most of this month. 

Former company member Liam Scarlett’s Viscera launches the evening and Laura Morera clearly relishes every note of composer Lowell Liebermann’s score. 


She creates hints of violence and a breath of despair and appears liberated by Scarlett’s romp while Alexander Campbell is so exuberantly sharp he must be in danger of cutting himself when shaving. 

Jerome Robbins knew all about the narcissistic but essential relationship between dancer and practice mirror and when sexy Sarah Lamb gets tangled up with bare chested Vadim Muntagirov we, sitting in the auditorium and behind the glass, can gleefully spy on their never-ever flirtation. Irresistible.


The sooner Director O’Hare signs up guest Iana Salenko the better. This Russian-born sensation partnered Steven McRae in Balanchine’s Tchaikovsky pas de deux and for me stole the show.

We are now used to perfect techniques, but Salenko through her razor sharp timing and apparently utter relaxation above the waist, proves there are yet more ways to develop the classical language. 


McRae savages his way through the piece appearing unusually rough and on edge; whether it was Salenko or the flu we shall never know. Marianela Nunez and Carlos Acosta close the show with Acosta’s new version of Carmen.

The piece appears disjointed and perhaps needs to go back to the drawing board. With these two leaders of their art form, Bizet’s masterpiece should be sensational.

But Nunez seems tense while Acosta somehow drifts before hitting the buffers of her capricious heart. And most disappointing of all, memories of Lynsey Kemp’s 1977 Cruel Garden will not go away.

MIXED BILL by the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House, London WC2 (Tickets 0207 304 4000/;£5-£100)

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