Elvis Presley final years: The King’s lifestyle changes remembered by Memphis Mafia member

ELVIS PRESLEY's final years saw The King struggling with serious health problems from ballooning in weight to prescription drug addiction. Now a Memphis Mafia member has shared their memories of the star's transformation while admitting he was always still Elvis.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

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Having gained some weight in the early 1970s, trimmed down for his Aloha From Hawaii TV special. But from 1973 until his death in 1977, The King’s decline in health became worse and worse. The star struggled with his reliance on uppers and downers, but also his own genetic health problems including Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, which could attack the liver and lungs.

In a recent Q&A video, Danny Smith (the son of Elvis’ cousin Billy Smith) was asked on his Memphis Mafia Kid YouTube channel: “Did you notice in the last few years of Elvis’ life, health conditions, mood changes or lifestyle changes?”

The King’s relative, who was just a teenager when the star died in 1977, remembered: “Yes and I guess a little of all of them. The main thing as a teenager that I noticed was lifestyle differences. He just kind of changed somewhat. I guess maybe you could say…more of just wanting certain people around him.”

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fat elvis

Elvis Presley final years: The King’s lifestyle changes remembered by Memphis Mafia member (Image: GETTY)

elvis and linda

Elvis with lover Linda Thompson in the mid-1970s (Image: GETTY)

Danny recalled how Elvis would also lose interest in some of his previous hobbies.

The King’s cousin said: “He didn’t really get into some of the older things…like the fireworks and stuff.”

He was referring to the star’s love of fireworks wars on the lawn behind the Graceland mansion with his Memphis Mafia.

In terms of how Elvis physically changed in his final years before his death at just 42, his relative shared: “Not really until later did I notice; it really wasn’t until the end that I noticed.”

elvis in 1977

Elvis performing in 1977 (Image: GETTY)

Danny said how he had recently been watching clips of Elvis at his last concerts in the summer of 1977, when The King was singing the likes of Unchained Melody and Hurt.

He added: “Elvis was always Elvis and looked good but really I guess that I took a deep look and thought well…Elvis was human and had his problems. But he always still was Elvis and looked good to me.”

Another fan asked him: “Do you think Elvis would have gone on to produce his own music later in life?”

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elvis timeline

Elvis timeline (Image: GETTY)

Danny replied: “I’ve heard from Daddy and Momma and others that it had been talked about. I think had he maybe gone on later…I know that at times he had thoughts of it. Could he have really got any bigger? But then again, he’s Elvis Presley so…”

Before he died Elvis had had plans to get back into shape and then go on a world tour to countries like the UK and Japan.

However, this would have been difficult given that his manager Colonel Tom Parker was an illegal immigrant who couldn’t leave the country without fear of not being allowed back in. Sadly, he held Elvis back in his later career.

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