Michael Jackson was 'saved' from 9/11 at the last minute by family member

MICHAEL JACKSON was due to be in the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 but he was saved by his mother who inadvertently prevented him from attending his appointment at the last minute.

By Callum Crumlish, Entertainment Editor

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley interviewed in 1995

In 2001 international pop star Michael Jackson was working on what would be his final album prior to his death, Invincible. The record eventually came out on October 30, 2001, reaching number one in the US and UK. Just a month earlier, however, he was due to attend a meeting at the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001 about the record. 

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Michael was reportedly due to attend the meeting at the top of one of the skyscrapers first thing in the morning.

However, he missed the appointment by oversleeping.

One of Michael's brothers, Jermaine Jackson, wrote about the experience in his biography: You Are Not Alone: Michael: Through a Brother's Eyes.

Jermaine wrote: "Thankfully, none of us had had a clue that Michael was due at a meeting that morning at the top of one of the Twin Towers."

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Michael Jackson mother katharine jackson

Michael Jackson was "saved" by his mother, Katharine Jackson (Image: GETTY)

Jermaine explained: "We only discovered this when mother [Katherine Jackson] phoned his hotel to make sure he was okay. She, Rebbie [Jackson] and a few others had left him there around 3am."

Michael went on to tell his mother how she had saved his life, without even realising it.

He said: "Mother, I’m okay, thanks to you. You kept me up talking so late that I overslept and missed my appointment."

He went on to hold a benefit concert for the victims of 9/11 and their families the following month, on October 21, 2001, called United We Stand.

Michael Jackson united we stand

Michael Jackson put on a United We Stand performance for 9/11 (Image: GETTY)

Michael Jackson united we stand

Michael Jackson performed with a number of big stars (Image: GETTY)

Michael held the concert at RFK Stadium in Washington DC, beginning in the afternoon and going through to the evening.

The King of Pop was joined by the likes of The Backstreet Boys, James Brown, Usher and Mariah Carey.

At the concert, Michael said: "I am not one who sits and says: Oh how wrong I am for what happened! I want the whole world to sing What More Can I Give, because all the people are united because this song is like a mantra, something you repeat endlessly. We need peace, we need to give to others, we need to love and unity."

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The event was hosted by John Stamos who also welcomed other celebrities onto the stage to speak about the tragedy the country had endured.

Various Washington DC politicians arrived on stage with Michael, as well as actor Kevin Spacey.

During the concert, on top of hosting portions of it, Michael performed two songs for the audience.

He first sang Man in the Mirror, from his seventh album Bad.

Michael also sang What More Can I Give, a song specially written and recorded for the 9/11 attacks.

Included in the song are a number of artists, including Beyonce, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Usher and Shakira.


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