Film reviews: The Hateful Eight and A War

2 / 5 stars
The Hateful Eight

AS “the 8th film by Quentin Tarantino” (words which blaze across the screen ) The Hateful Eight is an event, as is any film by the maker of Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained.

film, review, Tarantino, The Hateful Eight, A War, Henry Fitzherbert PH

'The Hateful Eight wants to be even more of an event than usual'

The Hateful Eight (18, 187mins)

Director: Quentin Tarantino

Stars: Kurt Russell, Samuel L Jackson, Michael Madsen, Jennifer Jason Leigh

The Hateful Eight, however, wants to be even more of an event than usual. It sets out to be a major cinematic experience shot in rarely used 70mm à la Lawrence Of Arabia and runs for more than three hours long, complete with intermission. 

Oh, and before it gets going we are treated to several minutes of Ennio Morricone’s “Overture” as a thunderous score rumbles over an image of a six-horse stagecoach silhouetted against a snowy backdrop. 

Tarantino’s confidence is certainly in rude health but even without the raised expectations of the preceding fanfare The Hateful Eight is a major disappointment, certainly coming after Django Unchained, his daring and brilliant slavery Western with Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio and Christoph Waltz. 

The Hateful Eight is also a Western, features a bounty hunter central character and revolves around a rescue mission of sorts – parallels that unfortunately do The Hateful Eight no favours. 

Set in the wintry wilds of Colorado rather than the sun-baked Deep South the picture is as small and underwhelming as the scope for it is epic. The action unfolds in a remote log cabin and features just a handful of characters, the mood and scenery unchanging. It feels like a stage play or Canterbury Tales-style fable about human greed, fear and duplicity but without entertaining characters (certainly by the standards we expect of Tarantino), memorable dialogue or a gripping plot. 

The characters, actors and themes are all too familiar from the director’s previous work. Where is Christoph Waltz when you need him? Like many actors cast by Tarantino, the brilliant Austrian actor was more or less unheard of before the director cast him as the terrifying Nazi in Inglourious Basterds, a role for which he won an Oscar before, remarkably, scooping a second for his role as the loquacious bounty hunter in Django Unchained.

Here we have too many familiar faces (Samuel L Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth and Michael Madsen) playing characters who just aren’t intriguing or amusing enough or, in the case of Madsen’s cowboy Joe Cage and a heavily bearded Mexican cowboy (Demian Bichir) are just plain dull.

The latter has a significant amount of screen time but must be the most boring character Tarantino has written. Bichir appears to act with his eyes closed so maybe he too found little to excite him. 


Kurt Russell and Samuel L Jackson in The Hateful Eight

Jackson plays the most colourful character, a bounty hunter and Civil War veteran, Major Marquis Warren, who proudly carries a personal letter from Abraham Lincoln. 

The story starts with him hitching a ride, hauling two corpses, with Kurt Russell’s extravagantly bearded John Ruth, a fellow bounty hunter who is travelling to a nearby town with high-value prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh). 

As a blizzard descends they hole up in “Minnie’s Haberdashery”, an isolated cabin where a few other travellers are sitting out the storm including a fruity-voiced and rather irritating Englishman, Oswaldo Mowbray (Tim Roth) and a former Confederate general (Bruce Dern).

Jackson’s Warren has the most intriguing past as a war veteran responsible for killing some of his own side. He delivers the most memorable monologue, describing in detail the humiliation he meted out to a white Confederate soldier, by coincidence the son of Dern’s general. 

However, even this speech pales in interest and linguistic dazzle compared to the great monologues in previous Tarantino films, not least those delivered by Jackson himself. The intended shock value of what he describes barely registers given how accustomed we are to Tarantino’s (usually delirious) penchant for the provocative. 

The picture’s first half, before the intermission, is almost disastrously slow and uneventful. The principal character is Russell’s Ruth who we follow as he journeys in his stagecoach towards Minnie’s Haberdashery with his rough-looking, wild-eyed prisoner, Daisy.

As well as giving a ride to Jackson’s Warren he picks up a weaselly man claiming to be the newly appointed sheriff, Chris Mannix (Walton Goggins), in the next town. 

There’s a lot of not very compelling Civil War talk and then the group arrives at the cabin where we remain as a guessing game gradually evolves. Is everyone who they say they are and, in best Agatha Christie fashion, who poisoned the coffee? 

The latter event finally kick-starts the plot and what follows is a jigsaw-assembling effort to discover what is really going on in the Big Brother House, sorry, I mean Minnie’s Haberdashery (at times it does feel like an Old West version of Big Brother).

There are some so-so revelations, a bit of narrative juggling as we flashback to earlier in the day and much spilling of blood, but nothing to grip like the close-quarter sequences Tarantino has done so brilliantly in the past in the likes of Reservoir Dogs and Inglourious Basterds. 

Are there contemporary parallels? It is true the picture paints a portrait of a divided America and the morality of war is explored but not with any great insight or surprise. The Hateful Eight this lot most certainly are but they are also, alas, The Tedious Eight. 


A War takes the war in Afghanistan, and fashions a thought-provoking drama


A War: Overlong but powerful

A War 

(15, 115mins)

Director: Tobias Lindholm

Stars: Pilou Asbaek, Tuva Novotny, Soren Malling

Danish director Tobias Lindholm’s previous picture A Hijacking was a taut, morally intriguing piracy thriller which was arguably better than Captain Phillips, the big budget Tom Hanks vehicle which trod similar ground, or rather water. 

His follow up film, A War, again takes popular Hollywood subject matter, the war in Afghanistan, and fashions a thought-provoking, intelligent drama. Pilou Asbaek plays a Danish soldier, Claus M Pedersen, with a family back home faced with a dreadful choice in the heat of battle. The picture examines the human consequences for all, including Claus’s family.

Overlong but powerful.


THE HATEFUL EIGHT - Official Teaser Trailer - The Weinstein Company

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