MP Vince Cable: My six best books

VINCE CABLE, 72, served as Business Secretary from 2010-15 and was MP for Twickenham for 18 years before losing his seat in May this year.

MP Vince Cable, books, read, Caroline ReeseGETTY

Vince Cable's book, After The Storm: The World Economy & Britain’s Economic Futures is out now

THE HEART OF THE MATTER by Graham Greene Vintage, £8.99

A wonderful writer. When I started reading good quality literature in my late teens, I wanted to read everything he’d done.

This is his deepest and best book. The main character is a Catholic tortured by competing loves and it’s good at evoking wartime west Africa. 

AN OFFICER AND A SPY by Robert Harris Arrow, £7.99

I read more fiction when I was Secretary of State than at any other stage of my life as I needed something to help me switch off. Harris writes thoughtful page-turners and I’ve read them all.

This one is about the Dreyfus scandal. 

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BIRDSONG by Sebastian Faulks Vintage, £8.99

I found this the most powerful of all the war novels. It’s so well researched.

It’s a different take in that a lot of it concerns the tunnelling in the First World War, which is described in graphic, frightening terms. 

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A FINE BALANCE by Rohinton Mistry Faber, £8.99

There are many good novels in English by Indian writers and this story of a family captures a harrowing period in modern Indian history that rings true to me.

I’ve been going to India for about 50 years because my late wife was Indian and I have deep affection for the country. 

YOUNG STALIN by Simon Sebag Montefiore W&N, £9.99

Montefiore brings Stalin alive and reminds you how awful he was. He was a gangster and a psychopath.

We tend to think of Stalin in his “prime” but this is how he worked his way up from bank robber to the Soviet Union’s most powerful man. 

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RETURN OF A KING by William Dalrymple Bloomsbury, £9.99

This is a history of Afghanistan and describes the role of the British in the 19th century, a tragic history.

It’s beautifully written, well researched and makes you understand why everybody has found it so difficult to operate there. 

Vince Cable's book After The Storm: The World Economy & Britain’s Economic Future (Atlantic, £18.99) is out now ( 

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