Corbyn's earnestness has let Cameron turn PMQs into a wisecracking routine

NEVER before has a prime minister looked so comfortable at the dispatch box. It sometimes seems as if David Cameron is enjoying himself a little too much as he takes on the Labour leader for their weekly jousting match.

David Cameron laughingAFP/GETTY

It sometimes seems as if David Cameron is enjoying himself a little too much as he takes on Corbyn

With his earnest approach and downbeat delivery, Jeremy Corbyn plays perfectly into Cameron's hands as the "straight man" in his stand-up comedy routine - Test Match Special meets Michael McIntyre.

Traditionally Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) has been universally loathed by its participants, even Margaret Thatcher, who regularly made mincemeat of her opponents.

Jim Callaghan, Labour's hugely experienced prime minister from 1976 to 1979, regarded what was then the twiceweekly sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays as "a complete waste of time".

Harold WilsonGETTY

Harold Wilson was a master of the political punch-up

His predecessor, Harold Wilson, once master of the political punch-up, fortified himself in advance with a brandy or two during his later years, while Harold MacMillan confided that the prospect of addressing the green benches still made him feel physically sick.

While fear of the unknown may have played a part in their first clashes, Cameron can now contain Corbyn without breaking a sweat on his perfectly polished brow. He is not threatened by the Labour leader for the simple reason that Corbyn lacks any forensic guile. He just reads out his set questions in his trademark monotone delivery.

Last week, following Corbyn's astonishing remarks that his party might support Trident without the nuclear warheads, the aptly-named Tory MP Karl McCartney joked that Labour's defence policy should be called Yellow Submarine. Cameron joined in and said that Corbyn's personal theme is Back In The USSR. It was the latest of a number of scripted jokes at the Opposition chief's expense, made even more amusing by the fact that Corbyn often appears completely devoid of humour.

Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Jeremy Corbyn is not a threat to Mr Cameron

A fortnight earlier the Prime Minister compared his adversary's so-called "revenge" reshuffle to a Shakespearean tragedy when he was asked whether he agreed that the UK should unite to commemorate the works of the playwright during 2016, the 400th anniversary of his death.

He told the House: "I think it is a very good moment, the 400th anniversary of the death of Shakespeare, for us to celebrate everything that he has given to our language and to our culture and indeed to the world. I think it is going to be a fantastic moment for people to come and visit Britain and come and see Stratford and all the other places that have such a great association with Shakespeare.

"I find that Shakespeare provides language for every moment. Just consider what we are thinking about at the moment. There was a moment when it looked like this reshuffle could go into its Twelfth Night. It was a revenge reshuffle so it was going to be As You Like It. I think though we can conclude it's turned into something of a Comedy Of Errors, perhaps Much Ado About Nothing? There will be those who worry Love's Labour's Lost."

But despite his relatively relaxed demeanour at PMQs, Cameron still admits to getting nervous beforehand. He told journalists at a party recently that he often rehearses his lines with Michael Gove standing in for Corbyn. Apparently the Justice Secretary does a great impression of Corbyn.

David CameronGETTY

Cameron can now contain Corbyn without breaking a sweat

In 2011, Cameron was accused of sexism after he told a female MP to "calm down, dear" during a Commons ding-dong. The Prime Minister borrowed the catchphrase made famous by a TV commercial starring Michael Winner during a row about NHS reforms. Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury Angela Eagle, at whom the barb was aimed, said "a modern man" would not have "expressed himself that way". But a Downing Street spokesman said it was just "a humorous remark".

Recalling the exchange, the Prime Minister said it was an ad-lib he had never been allowed to live down. "I had seen the advert but it never occurred to me the remark would be construed as sexist," he revealed.

With PMQs in its current format now entering its 55th year, the potential for the exchanges to become more akin to a comedy routine than a serious discussion has never been greater.

After all, the Prime Minister has grown in confidence and stature since winning a majority Conservative Government last year, which has only been enhanced by the Labour Party electing a joke leader.

Jeremy Corbyn v David Cameron at PMQs

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