A staggering pay rise for useless Brussels FAT CATS

WHATEVER you're wrapping up and putting under the tree for tomorrow you will be hard pressed to match the gift Brussels bureaucrats are getting.

David Cameron will hold the vote in 2016GETTY

David Cameron will hold the vote in 2016

All 55,000 of the unelected EU officials are being given a 2.4 per cent pay rise, as well as a lump sum to cover backdated pay for the increase since July.

They can't claim it comes as a reward for good performance. None of the major challenges Brussels has faced this year has been properly dealt with. The eurozone is still mired in economic difficulty and the migrant crisis continues.

While the whole continent suffers as a result of their woeful incompetence these fat cats only grow fatter. And, given that these Eurocrats are unelected, there is nothing that voters can do about it.

The good news is that we have an opportunity to escape their clutches. When the EU referendum comes around it will bring with it the chance to reassert British sovereignty, return power to our elected parliament and end the scandal of our taxes funding lavish wages for meddling foreign bureaucrats.

All the speculation suggests that Mr Cameron is preparing to hold the vote at some point in 2016. It can't come soon enough.


Foreign criminals remain

NEW figures released by the Home Office have revealed that since April 2013 fewer than half of the foreign criminals referred for deportation have actually been removed from the country. Ministers have long struggled with this problem but these figures are shocking.

David Cameron and Theresa May have been in office for more than five yearsGETTY

David Cameron and Theresa May have been in office for more than five years

It is far too easy for these criminals to dodge deportation. Many are able to use European human rights laws either to delay being removed or to win the right to stay here permanently. Some, according to Immigration Minister James Brokenshire, run rings round the Government simply by refusing to comply with the deportation process.

Dealing with these cases costs taxpayers a fortune. And the Government's failure leaves dangerous criminals walking our streets. David Cameron and Theresa May have been in office for more than five years. They have nobody to blame but themselves.


The biggest day of the year is upon us alreadyGETTY

The biggest day of the year is upon us already

A wish to all our readers

IT may seem like only yesterday that the big retailers were releasing their seasonal adverts, radio stations began playing the festive classics and TV chefs began showcasing their favourite turkey recipes but the biggest day of the year is upon us already.

However you choose to celebrate we hope you have a very merry Christmas.

Top 10 Facts About The EU

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