Let’s learn from caring George Cadbury, says ANNETTE HOMER

AS the tax affairs of Cadbury owner Mondelez are called into question ANNETTE HOMER, director of housing and community services at Bournville Village Trust, reveals how the chocolate brand’s original owners brought social welfare to Birmingham.

Bust of George CadburyGETTY

A bust of George Cadbury stands in Bourneville village

He was the man who established a confectionery brand in the 1800s that is still revered today but there is much more to George Cadbury than chocolate. While the factory he had built in Bournville, Birmingham, may have changed hands over the years, the legacy he created continues to flourish in the village surrounding the plant.

George was an ambitious business owner but he was also a philanthropist who cared deeply, not just about the working and living conditions of his employees, but the wider community.

He had a deep-seated social concern about the way so many people were forced to live in the overcrowded and cramped back streets of Birmingham. In fact, conditions were so dire that healthy living was nigh on impossible and at the end of the 19th-century life expectancy was a meagre 40 years.

It was this that inspired George and his brother Richard to do something rarely undertaken by big business today, create a garden village of high-quality homes set in green open space.A common myth is that George had all the homes in the village surrounding his factory built just for his workers.

George CadburyGETTY

George Cadbury

But, while some employees did live there, he was determined his village should be a mixed community full of people from different backgrounds. When early on he found people were buying up the beautiful Arts and Crafts homes to sell on for huge profit, he started having homes built for rent.

Known as the Ten Shilling or Sunshine houses, these were set at an affordable rent to help families on low incomes. Today, these homes are still rented to people on low incomes by the housing association and charity Bournville Village Trust, which George set up in 1900, to act as a custodian for the village. This meant that even after his death, the homes he lovingly developed would still benefit those in need.

While George recognised that housing was the cornerstone of good health he also believed that providing sporting facilities and open spaces would boost people’s well-being. He famously proclaimed that “no one should live where a rose cannot grow” and set about ensuring that residents had large gardens with plenty of room to grow fresh fruit and vegetables.

Street in BournevilleGETTY

The Bournville village Cadbury created near his plant in Birmingham in the late 1800s

George even handed out his Suggested Rules Of Health to residents with guidance on how to live a healthier life, proclaiming if followed they could live 10 years longer. Snippets of this advice included exercising daily, eating fresh fruit and getting eight hours’ rest a day, guidance that sounds incredibly similar to the recommendations made by doctors today.

With advice like this, it was no surprise that when children in Bournville were measured, they were heavier, taller and overall mostly healthier than those in one inner-city area of Birmingham. It’s often thought that after George died in 1922, aged 83, the Cadbury connection to Bournville ended there.

However, his son Laurence was chairman of the trust his father founded for 24 years from 1954, overseeing its work and the management of Bournville. Indeed, today there are seven Cadbury family members on the board of the trust, including George’s great-grandson, and they ensure that George’s values are celebrated.

It would be unfair to say that Bournville’s connection to the factory was also severed when the plant was sold in 2010. The brand’s owner, Mondelez, does invest in community-based projects and remains a significant employer in the area. While of course I never met George, it is clear from all that he achieved that he was an ambitious man with great business acumen but importantly he also had an entrenched desire to help the people around him.

Bourneville swimming poolGETTY

Swimming baths in Bourneville

He not only helped to fuel the economy with his chocolate empire but used his wealth to create something enduring and pioneering. He ploughed not just his money but his time, commitment and passion into creating a village that continues to this day to house people from all backgrounds regardless of their wealth or status.

Significantly, George also created an environment full of parks and open spaces that continue to promote good health and wellbeing among residents. While some modern entrepreneurs such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are using their wealth to improve living conditions for their employees by building new homes, they are few and far between.

We face a huge shortage of housing in this country, including a lack of affordable homes for families on lower incomes. Wouldn’t it be great to see business work with housing associations to play some role in helping to tackle this?

George Cadbury was a pioneer and a man with commitment to helping others. How many current business owners will be able to look back in years to come and truly say that they made such a long-lasting difference to the community around them?

Cadbury Christmas advert 2015

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