Air heroes fighting ISIS in Syria must have our full support

THIS weekend the RAF has unleashed the full might of its weaponry against evil death cult Islamic State.


British pilots took to the skies above Syria this week to begin air strikes against ISIS targets

And today we stand behind them with pride. 

Last week was the time for talking and analysis about the rights and wrongs of extending the bombing raids to Syria. 

Now, after all the agonising hours of debate in the House of Commons, it is the time for action and to offer the 200 pilots, navigators, engineers and ground crew, who are putting their lives on the line to protect us, our unreserved support.

While we look forward to spending Christmas with our loved ones, they will be taking to the skies of Iraq and Syria in order to protect our freedoms and way of life. 

It can only be hoped that those dissenting voices opposed to military action will now rein in their rhetoric and give their unqualified backing to our Armed Forces. 

RAF pilotsPA

The 200 men and woman leaving their families this Christmas to protect us deserve our support

The online abuse has been ferocious against Labour MPs who backed the air strikes. 

However while it is the easiest thing in the world to be brave on Twitter, it is something else entirely to fight for your country. 

The former is the act of a coward and achieves nothing. 

The latter is the task of the heroes who guard us while we sleep.


Get Britain MovingALAMY

Our Express Crusade aims to get Britain's gridlocked roads moving once again

Express Crusade hits the road

ENOUGH is enough. 

Millions of motorists are stuck for hours each day in traffic jams and nothing is done. 

But we have come to the point where it cannot be allowed to continue. 

What was once called the rush hour has been reduced to a miserable crawl for mile after mile. 

Indeed, we waste up to five days of our lives stuck in stress-causing jams. 

Workers are spending seven million hours at a standstill behind the wheel. 

And the cost of these roadworks, which are blighting our lives, stands at a staggering £20billion a year. 

Today, with the launch of a major new campaign, we call on the Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin to act and stop the mess spiralling into a crisis. 

As part of our Get Britain Moving crusade we demand that all road contracts be examined immediately to discover why they are taking so long to be delivered. 

We also call on the Department for Transport to flex its muscle and get the work done faster and better. 

Local authorities, too, must get tough with contractors responsible for the gridlock blighting our towns and cities. 

Britain must be allowed to get moving again.


The QueenGETTY

Our longest-serving monarch is not quite ready to embrace the selfie generation

Picture-perfect Royal

THE Queen is the longest-serving British monarch and she has strived to keep up with the times. 

But there is still one trend she is not ready to embrace – the selfie. 

Aides claim that while she appreciates the value of social media, she misses eye contact with her subjects. 

For the woman who has shaken more hands than anyone else in the world, her interest remains in meeting and engaging with people, rather than the lens of their camera phones or tablets. 

London crowned capital of grim selfies

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