China's child crisis: Is it too late to ditch the country's one-child policy?

THE world’s most populous country has ditched a policy that’s left it with a shocking shortage of women. But is it too late?

Chinese mother and daughterREUTERS

Chinese mother and daughter

In 1958 Mao Tse-tung, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, decreed that the nation should bend every sinew to destroy the humble sparrow on the grounds that it was ravaging the rice crop.

Nests were destroyed, eggs smashed and fledglings bludgeoned to death. Adult birds were shot by marksmen or forced to take to the air by the banging of pots and pans until they were so exhausted they fell to the ground where they were dispatched.

The result was that the balance of nature was so disrupted that the grain-gobbling locust population – once contained by the insect-eating sparrows – ballooned and rice yields fell even further. A chastened Mao dropped The Great Sparrow Campaign two years after it had begun.

Chinese bride surrounded by menAFP

The single child policy has led to a shortage of eligible women in the country

This week another ill-judged policy with disastrous unintended consequences was swept away with the click of a mouse when China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency posted the following tweet: “China abandons one-child policy, allows two kids for all couples.”

Introduced in 1979 by a Communist Party terrified by the prospect of runaway population growth, the law that prohibited couples having more than one child proved as misguided as Mao’s avian war.

While it is claimed to have restricted China’s population by 400million this policy spawned an epidemic of female child abortion, a boom in wife trafficking and a generation of “little emperors”, only children so indulged that they developed traits that could have far-reaching social and economic implications.

Meanwhile previous generations born into a society where the average family had four children are growing old. The UN estimates that by 2050 China will have 440million citizens over the age of 60, equivalent to 34 per cent of its current population of 1.3billion. And they will have to be kept in their dotage by a steadily dwindling number of productive younger people.

Unfortunately the total of men and women of working age – defined as 15-59 – fell last year by almost four million. No wonder opponents of the one-child policy have long argued that Beijing is sitting on a demographic time bomb.

Chinese childGETTY

The one-child policy was introduced in 1979

While the policy has been relaxed in certain respects in recent years, at the time it was launched it was rigorously promoted with a combination of carrot and stick. Couples who followed the rule were given benefits that included increased access to education, plus childcare and healthcare.

Those who didn’t were not only denied these benefits but often fined. There were widespread reports of women who became pregnant after they had already had a child being forced to have abortions and many women were forcibly sterilised. In 2012 – in one of the most shocking recent cases of human rights abuse related to the policy – a 23-year-old woman from Shaanxi province in north-west China was abducted by family planning officials and forced to have an abortion seven months into her pregnancy.

Over time the one-child policy did have the effect of reducing China’s annual population growth rate, which ran at 1.9 per cent in 1950, to 0.7 per cent. But one of its most devastating consequences was, like Mao’s extermination of the locusts’ main predator, entirely unforeseen.

Due to a traditional preference for boy children, particularly in rural areas, large numbers of female babies ended up homeless or in orphanages and by the year 2000 it was reported that 90 per cent of foetuses aborted in China were female.

This created a severe shortage of women of marriageable age. In 2010 this newspaper reported: “China is the biggest and most maledominated singles club in the world where millions of men face the prospect of lonely lives as bachelors because of the country’s 30-year-old ‘one couple, one child’ policy.”

It added: “By 2020 24million men in the world’s most populous nation will be unable to find wives because of the yawning gender imbalance caused by three decades of sex-selective abortions.”

Chinese president Xi JinpingGETTY

Current Chinese president Xi Jinping

The male singletons who do find wives tend to be the ones deemed most eligible in a highly competitive marriage market and that generally means the wealthiest. Ma Nuo, a contestant on a popular dating show, spoke for many when she said: “I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the backseat of a bicycle.”

The ageing bachelors who failed to find a bride became such a phenomenon that they were given the name “guanggun”, meaning “bare branches”. And it is this class of men that fuelled a cruel trade in women kidnapped by people traffickers in nearby countries such as Burma, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea to be sold like livestock in the market squares of China’s more remote provinces.

Men paid £450-£2,500 (the latter the equivalent of more than two years’ wages for a farm worker) to buy a reluctant wife who will stay with them not for love but through threats and control. The torment for brides didn’t end with the wedding banquet and marital bed. Once sold many of the women were sent to work on farms or in factories to pay off the debts their husbands had accumulated in buying them.

The second damaging consequence of the one-child policy was the rapid spread of the so-called “four-two-one syndrome”. This was the growing prevalence of a situation in which four grandparents and two parents were focused on just one child. This meant that the child was not only cosseted emotionally but the entire family’s resources were put into its upbringing and education.

As one China-watcher observed, this could have an infantilising effect: “Though many of these precocious kids can recite the English alphabet or read newspapers in traditional Chinese characters by the time they are 10, their parents often still perform basic tasks for them – fixing their hair, tying their shoes, wiping their bottoms.”

And there are signs that the longterm psychological impact could be even more profound. “Those who are the only children as a result of the policy are considerably less trusting, less trustworthy, more risk averse, less competitive, more pessimistic, less conscientious and possibly also more neurotic,” concluded Lisa Cameron, of Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, after comparing the development of only children with that of children who lived with a sibling or siblings.

“These behavioural impacts could have economic consequences in addition to the more obvious social implications.” The authorities in Beijing have not been blind to this problem and cautionary tales relating to “little emperor syndrome” appear frequently in the press.

Examples include cases of children hanging themselves after being denied treats as petty as sweets to stories of matricide in retribution for something as minor as a scolding or a dinner being served late.

The common moral of these modern-day parables being: spoil your children at your peril. While opponents of the one-child policy rejoice in its passing some argue much work remains to be done.

“Even if people are allowed to have two children, what if they want to have three – or more?” asks Dai Qing, a Chinese writer.

“What if unmarried women want to have their own children? At the end of the day it is about women’s reproductive rights and freedoms.”

China ends one-child policy: state media

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