Justice prevails over Just Stop Oil's eco-fanatic protesters

Hopefully the recent sentencing of Just Stop Oil's eco-fanatics will deter others from making the same mistakes.

Just Stop Oil outside the court house

Many were shocked at the long sentences of the protesters (Image: Getty)

Finally, we’ve seen some justice prevail concerning eco-fanatics – and about bloody time too.

Five campaigners who blocked the M25 across four days in November 2022, causing untold misery for motorists, have been handed record five-year jail sentences. Judge Christopher Hehir, who sentenced them, said they had “crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic”.

He added: “You have appointed yourselves as the sole arbiters of what should be done about climate change, bound neither by the principles of democracy nor the rule of law. Your fanaticism has made you heedless of the rights of your fellow citizens.”

Spot on sir! And thank you. These protestors have become so blindsided by “the cause” that they’ve now reached epic proportions of harm-doing. Yes, environmental change is needed but making people miss funerals and hospital appointments ain’t the answer – and I say this as a cancer patient living on limited time.

The roll call of nutters who were jailed included the cofounder of Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, Roger Hallam, 58. This is someone whose very job is to create as much disorder as possible.

Well, let this be a lesson to him and his ilk – if you dare to ruin things for others, then be prepared to be ruined yourself. I only help the silly little buggers serve their full sentences rather than being let out early.

Then it can be a true lesson to the idiots of these pathetic little childish organisations who think their point of view is the only one that matters.

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