600 feared dead - how many bodies does Left need to finally help stop people trafficking?

As many as 600 illegal migrants being people-trafficked from Egypt, Syria and Pakistan are feared dead after the rusty hulk they were being transported in sank. The sheer horror of this event must surely make hand-wringing liberals in the UK finally realise our own "small boat" human trafficking must be stopped by any means necessary, writes Natalie Elphicke.

The tragedy left at least 79 migrants dead

The tragedy left at least 79 migrants dead (Image: Shutterstock)

This week there was another shocking loss of life in the Mediterranean. In one of the worst incidents to date, hundreds of migrants are believed to have drowned when the rusty trawler they were being people-trafficked in sank off the coast of Greece.

At time of writing 79 people were known to be dead with as many as 500 "missing". It is yet another horrific reminder of the dangers of illegal migration by boat. Thousands of lives have been lost crossing the Med and hundreds have been reported lost or missing in the English Channel in recent years.

Reports of children locked away in the hold of trafficking vessels is gut-wrenching. The unimaginable horror of bodies washing up on Europe’s shores or trapped to decay beneath the waves. The response of any sensible and compassionate person must be to stop these crossings with urgency, and doing absolutely whatever it takes.

Yet the response of some of the migrant charities and activists was appalling - shamelessly using the tragedy to call for more open borders and easier crossings. They even criticised the Greek authorities for not forcibly intervening after offers to assist had been refused.

They should have put their political views on open borders to one side and condemned this dangerous and illegal activity. That would have been the morally right thing to do.

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104 migrants were rescued

104 migrants were rescued (Image: Shutterstock)

There is neither compassion nor common sense in letting people-smugglers play fast and loose with people’s lives. These criminal gangs are brutal and remorseless. They are murderers.

They are also filthy rich off the back of this disgusting trade. They must be stopped. Open borders and other liberal nonsense needs to be replaced by secure borders and a crackdown on the criminal gangs. That goes for the English Channel as much as the borders of Europe.

Our national efforts to stop the boats are continually thwarted by the lefty liberal politicians who give no thought to the horror and violence of this wicked trade in people. It’s not just those who are tragically lost at sea in the boats. It’s the fact that vulnerable people are put to work in cannabis farms or forced into prostitution once here in the UK.

Unspeakable violence is meted out to the migrants, and their relatives, if they refuse to comply with the demands of the criminal gangs. On our own Channel route, pregnant women have been forced into boats at gunpoint. Parents have been forcibly separated from their children.

It's time to look at the true cost of people smuggling and stop peddling the "better life" myth. For thousands of people, they don’t get to have a life. They are drowned and killed. Or they are held in thrall by the violent criminal gangs who force them into a life of crime.

Natalie Elphicke urges to stop small boat crisis

Natalie Elphicke urges to stop small boat crisis (Image: Getty)

This week the open borders activists were keen to point out that the boat was so dangerously overcrowded that it breached maritime laws and should have been stopped.

I’ve been arguing exactly that for years to stop the boats on the Channel. It is central to ensuring that the French take real and immediate action to stop the boats when they are still close to French shores.

These flimsy overcrowded vessels are not seaworthy. They break every maritime law going. They are so pathetically constructed, sometimes with just plywood, tape and rubber, you’d think twice before letting your kids in one in the swimming pool, let alone set loose on the busiest shipping lane in the world.

That’s before we come to the sloshing of petrol mixing with sea salt as engines are filled, causing flesh to burn and eyes to sting. There’s nothing romantic or new world about people smuggling. It’s as dangerous, vile and disgusting as it comes.

The latest tragedy must be a wake-up call for the world. The United Nations should stop fretting only about the environmental Armageddon yet to come. It needs to use its convening power to tackle the here and now. We must work together with urgency to bring all illegal boat crossings to an end.

Natalie Elphicke is Member of Parliament for Dover. She has campaigned for an end to people trafficking and the use of highly dangerous "small boats" to land illegal migrants on Britain's south coast.

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