'Prince Harry had haunted look of a man who knows he's lost everything'

And so after so much pre-Coronation fuss Prince Harry flew in, showed his face, then flew out again, and no-one cared. He has finally achieved his ambition to become an irrelevance, writes Paul Baldwin.

Princess Anne's hat blocks Harry

Princess Anne's hat blocks Harry (Image: Getty)

There was a chap in the third row at the Coronation, ginger hair, beard, thinning a bit on top. I recognised him from somewhere but couldn't quite place him.

And that is how fast Harry has become an irrelevance. An utter irrelevance, neither wanted nor needed by a Royal Family or a nation who have proved in grand style he's now forgotten; a royal afterthought at best. He wandered in, alone and friendless. At times he carried the haunted look of a man who knows he has lost everything - a man who bet the farm on red and it came up black.

Heads barely turned. An irrelevance? Gosh they aren't going to like that at Netflix.

Hilariously every time the BBC tried to get him in shot the impressive plumage of Princess Anne's hat (she's a Colonel in the Blues and Royals, among other things) kept blocking him out. The hat spoke for a nation.

And in truth the Beeb got the coverage about right on this one. Harry and Meghan have a deeply ingrained habit of thinking it's all about them - but this one really wasn't.

READ MORE: Prince Harry's car spotted at Heathrow as he dashes home to see Archie and Meghan

Prince Harry's book Spare

Prince Harry's book Spare (Image: PA)

Harry, author of that nasty little tome Spare and a man responsible for more damage to our Royal Family than the most swivel-eyed republican could ever dream of, was really just another face in the crowd.

They turned the cameras on him a couple of times, but that was about it.

Today was about King Charles, Queen Camilla and Britain.

Harry has achieved his dream of faceless anonymity rather faster than he imagined I suspect.

He sat in the third row alongside Jack Brooksbank and Edo Mapelli Mozzi. You're thrown aren't you? Princess Eugenie and Beatrice's respective husbands, yes now you've got them.

Bit Z-list, and no doubt very happy to be.

Now it seems Harry has joined their ranks.

And if there was any smidgin of a thawing in brotherly relations it certainly wasn't on show today. Prince William was front row, focused 100 percent on his formal role. We call that role a "duty" Harry - look it up.

Harry sat on the third row of the Coronation

Harry sat on the third row of the Coronation (Image: Getty)

William did however provide a very human and touching moment in the millennia-old formal pomp and ceremony as King Charles quietly thanked him when he pledged his allegiance.

Harry put a brave face on, even forcing a smile at times.

But as he flies back to California tonight to make Archie's birthday party he cannot but reach the conclusion he and Meghan have played this all wrong.

Because of their grubby choices Harry has lost his role, his family and the respect of his country.

Now, as his irrelevance becomes increasingly obvious to his paymasters, he might well lose his lucrative income stream too.

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