Johnny Depp health: Is Johnny Depp ok? Fans concern over unrecognisable looking pictures

JOHNNY Depp's recent appearance after a gig in Russia has left fans concerned after the Pirates of the Caribbean star was pictured looking noticeably gaunt and pale, according to some fans. Currently on tour with his band, Hollywood Vampires, fan photos posted on social media have received concerned comments.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

L: Johnny Depp R: Johnny Depp looking skinny

On Johnny Depp's recent tour with his band, images have emerged of him looking thinner than usual (Image: GETTY/ SPLASH NEWS)

Appearing hollow eyed and skinny, Depp appeared in a photo taken with a fan after a gig in St Petersburg last Wednesday night. 

The Hollywood Vampires, a band formed to commemorate rock stars who died from excess, are taking part in a European tour. 

Famous for his rugged good looks, the actor turned musician has shocked fans who have taken to Twitter to express how horrified they were at his appearance. 

One Twitter user wrote: "F*** me is that Johnny Depp?" 

One explanation could perhaps be down to a film role for upcoming move Richard Says Goodbye.

In Richard Says Goodbye, Depp plays a college professor who after a terminal illness diagnosis, decides to live his life “with reckless abandon“.

Another could be Depp’s lack of black eyeliner making his eyes appear hollow. Depp is known for his flamboyant dress sense, and use of ‘guyliner’ is nothing new to the seasoned actor.

He has regularly sported black eyeliner at photoshoots or red carpet events.

Johnny Depp with a fan

This photo of Depp with a fan has sparked concern amongst fans (Image: TWITTER)

Recent events could also explain the actors loss of weight.

Depp has found himself the centre of controversy over the past few years, with his infamous $7 million divorce from Amber Heard.

His apparent out-of-control behaviour on set has also been the subject of a legal dispute, with an accusation following the filming of his Tupac Shakur/ Notorious B.I.G film.

Two bodyguards had also filed lawsuits against Depp, alleging they had to protect Depp from himself, due to “toxic” situations he placed himself in.

Last year the Edward Scissorhands star also became involved in a legal dispute with The Management Group, who had taken care of his finances for 17 years.

Depp claimed the firm collected more than $25 million in fees that weren’t agreed upon, and also failed to pay his taxes on time.

The company responded by counter-suing the actor, accusing him of living an ultra-extravagant lifestyle that often knowingly cost Depp in excess of $2 million per month to maintain, which he simply could not afford’.

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