Charlotte Church opens up about painful childhood experience: 'I felt powerless'

CHARLOTTE CHURCH has revealed that her life hasn’t always been glamorous as she dealt with a number of difficult issues throughout her childhood.

By Samantha Masters , Content Editor

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Charlotte Church has helped her mother battle mental health issues

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Charlotte Church and her mother Maria address mental health in her new documentary

The 31-year-old singer insisted that while other children were out playing, she was helping her mother Maria Cooper, 51, who suffered with her mental health and alcohol issues.

Charlotte said: “My mother has been battling with mental health issues for most of her life.

"It has been difficult growing up and watching my mother suffer like this, in her darker periods I felt quite powerless and unsure how best to help her.”

The Crazy Chick hitmaker and Maria bravely address the topic in Charlotte’s BBC Wales documentary Charlotte Church: Inside My Brain, where her mother speaks out about her suicidal thoughts and the mental health issues that she has dealt with for over 30 years.

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Charlotte Church revealed she helped her mother with mental health problems

Charlotte Church performs in skimpy ensemble

Maria said: "I used to call it manic depression of being a loony. It's now called bi-polar with a lot of anxiety and that has been going on and off for 31 years.

"I'm happy to talk about it because it is not talked about enough and it is awful when you have a dark period, sometimes it can last a day or sometimes it can last for weeks."

Maria also described the thoughts she has suffered while battling with the illness.

She added: "At times it's very dark and down and the glass is half empty, it's always half empty and never half full. The other extreme of it is going absolutely hyper and going on a spending spree and just over-excited, over-happy.

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Charlotte Church said mental health is an issue close to her heart

"But then you get a downer from it, that's when I tend to drink far too much and that's when usually the self-harming will happen.”

Charlotte, who has two children with ex-husband Gavin Henson, 35, bravely met with a series of professionals for the show including doctors, neuroscientists and researchers, to discuss mental health. 

The former chart-topper admitted the topic was “close to her heart” and she wanted to explore the matter further.

She explained: "I'll be exploring questions like how effective are current treatments in mental health? What are the root causes of these disorders and what does the future hold for our brains?

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Charlotte Church met with professionals for the show to raise more awareness about mental health

"It's a subject close to my heart."

Charlotte’s mother is hoping the documentary will be an eye-opener for viewers who may not be familiar with the extent of mental disorders.

She said: “A lot of people talk about mental illness and they talk about self harming but only up to 20 years of age, no one ever talks about anyone over 30 and I'm sure I'm not the only person out there.”

Charlotte Church: Inside My Brain is on BBC One Wales, Thursday, January 25 at 8pm.

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