SPOILER ALERT: Original Game of Thrones plot leaked online... and it's very different

FANS of Game Of Thrones have been treated to an insight into what the George RR Martin series might have been like after the original plot was leaked.

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The leaked Game Of Thrones plot reveals the series could have been very different

A three page letter, in which the writer outlines his plot for the fantasy novel, has emerged online.

The letter, which Martin wrote to his publisher in 1993, has revealed the original plot for Game of Thrones, and possibly hinted at what's to come.

It is thought book retailer Waterstones originally took the snaps of the document, but the tweets have since been deleted. 

One of the main differences is that Martin originally intended the series to be a trilogy, which has shocked many fans of the long-winded plot.

The plot was revealed in a letter George RR Martin wrote to his publisher REX

The plot was revealed in a letter George RR Martin wrote to his publisher

There are some similarities, for instance Ned Stark meets the exact same fate after he discovered the truth about Jon Arryn's murder before being sentenced to death by Joffrey. The main difference here is he manages to send Arya and Catelyn Stark out of King's Landing beforehand.

The death sparks a war between the Starks and the Lannisters, with Sansa eventually marrying Joffrey and having a baby with him. Later, she chooses her husband over her family, before coming to bitterly regret this later.

Meanwhile, her sister Arya ends up falling in love with Jon Snow. 

However, the couple (who are also half-siblings) refuse to act on their feelings to avoid committing incest and Jon sticks to his Night's Watch vow of celibacy. 

Interestingly, Martin says the situation changes once Jon's true parentage is revealed, adding fuel to the fire of another popular fan theory about who they may be. 

Tyrion also falls in love with Arya, creating a rivalry between Jon and Tyrion. 

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Arya stark falls in love with her half-brother Jon

The Night's Watch can't help their family, so Cat, Arya and Bran are forced to flee further North beyond the Wall. 

They end up encountering Mance Rayder and Cat meets her death at the hands of one of the Others (the White Walkers from the TV show). 

Fans will be glad to hear that Jon still manages to become commander of the Night's Watch. 

The final part of the plot involves Daenerys, who not only invades Westeros a lot sooner, but does so after killing her husband Khal Drogo to revenge for the death of her brother Viserys.

Martin also identifies five characters who would survive: Daenerys, Arya, Jon, Bran and Tyrion.

However, there is still some mystery surrounding the plot, as the final paragraph of the letter is blacked out, so there's no clues how it all might end.

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