Police CONFIRM investigation into 'a number of complaints' regarding Katie Hopkins' tweets

Scottish police have confirmed they are investigating reality TV star Katie Hopkins' tweets after a number of complaints.

Piers Morgan has hit out at Katie Hopkins on TwitterWENN

Piers Morgan has hit out at Katie Hopkins on Twitter

Enquiries are ongoing into the nature of these tweets and to establish any potential criminality

Detective Inspector Glyn Roberts

Detective Inspector Glyn Roberts confirmed the news, releasing a statement which reads: "We have received a number of complaints regarding remarks made on Twitter. Enquiries are ongoing into the nature of these tweets and to establish any potential criminality.

"Police Scotland will thoroughly investigate any reports of offensive or criminal behaviour online and anyone found to be responsible will be robustly dealt with."

It's been an interesting week for Katie's Twitter account with yet another celebrity war of words between her and British star Piers Morgan.

Following on from reports Katie had banned her husband from sex after putting on weight for a TV documentary, Piers couldn't help but hit back at the controversial blonde on Twitter.

"The problem with your fat theory @KTHopkins is that you looked marginally less hideous as a lard-a**e," he tweeted today, in reference to Katie's opinion about hiring overweight people.

However, it wasn't the first tweet he'd sent her today.

In response to her awful reaction to the Scottish nurse who was suffering from Ebola, in which Katie said: "Little sweaty jocks, sending us Ebola bombs in the form of sweaty Glaswegians just isn't cricket. Scottish NHS sucks," Piers branded her a "repulsive creature".

Piers didnt hold back and called Katie a 'repulsive creature'Twitter

Piers didnt hold back and called Katie a 'repulsive creature'

However, as usual, Katie didn't let the comments get to her but did take her own swipe at the former Britain's Got Talent judge.

"If a loon like @piersmorgan calls ME repulsive, is that like a double negative?" she tweeted.

But their Twitter war didn't end there, as Piers also had a few more choice words to say about Katie when one user suggested that he feature her on his ITV1 show 'Piers Morgan's Life Stories'.

"I'd rather interview a pig's rotting dung-encrusted trotter," the father-of-four replied.

Katie gained three stone in just two monthsITV

Katie gained three stone in just two months

Yesterday it was revealed that Katie had been showering three times a day and had stopped having sex with her husband after gaining three stone in the space of just two months.

Speaking to The Sun, the 39-year-old said: "I am normally the first one to get my kit off - and don’t give a damn who sees me naked. However, after I put on my first stone I stopped having sex with my husband.

"As a fat bird, I stuck to pyjamas and getting naked in the dark."

She continued: "When you look gross, you feel gross. When you feel gross you don’t want anyone else touching bits of you that wobble.

"A fat belly is not an attractive thing to shove in any man’s face. Fat people aren’t sexy.

"Knowing your thighs rub together when you walk is bad enough. Getting friction burns when your husband gets trapped between them is quite another."

The former Apprentice star claims she took on the challenge after becoming fed-up with hearing the excuses people came up with for being fat.

Katie Hopkins: My Fat Story will air on Friday 2 and Saturday 3 January at 9pm on TLC.

Can you be big and happy? Katie Hopkins vs Rachel Copper-Wherry

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