Russell Brand interviewed under caution over sex allegations by Met Police

Russell Brand was questioned by police over non-recent sexual allegations against him last week after claims about his alleged behaviour were made public in September.

By Samantha Masters, Content Editor

Russell Brand's new podcast asking if free speech is being challenged

Russell Brand has been questioned by police over alleged historic sexual offences.

The 48-year-old comedian attended a police station in London for an interview last Thursday, with the Metropolitan Police confirming that a man in his 40s was in attendance.

A spokesperson told "He was interviewed under caution by detectives in relation to three non-recent sexual offences. Enquiries continue." has contacted a representative for Russell Brand for comment.

It is not clear if the alleged offences he was questioned over are in relation to those made public in Channel 4's Dispatches, The Times and The Sunday Times joint investigation, in September.

Russell Brand pictured in 2017

Russell Brand has denied all allegations against him (Image: GETTY)

In the documentary, four women came forward with claims of incidents taking place between 2006 and 2013 at the height of his fame. He has strongly denied all allegations against him.

Detective Superintendent Andy Furphy, heading the inquiry, previously said: "We continue to encourage anyone who believes they may have been a victim of a sexual offence, no matter how long ago it was, to contact us.

"We understand it can feel like a difficult step to take, and I want to reassure that we have a team of specialist officers available to advise and support."

The update comes after the BBC confirmed they had received five complaints about his alleged behaviour while he hosted radio shows between 2006 to 2008.

Two of these were made in the last two months since a review of his time at the BBC was launched.

Those two complaints are understood to relate to his workplace conduct and are not of a serious sexual nature.

The other three were made before he was publicly accused in the joint investigation.

In a video, before the Dispatches documentary was released, Russell spoke out in a lengthy video denying all claims.

Russell Brand

Russell Brand was interviewed by police over non-recent allegations last week (Image: GETTY)

He said while he was “very, very promiscuous” during his heyday, he "refutes these very, very serious criminal allegations”.

"Now during that time of promiscuity, the relationships I had were absolutely always consensual. I was always transparent about that then — almost too transparent — and I’m being transparent about it now as well," he continued.

"And to see that transparency metastasized into something criminal, that I absolutely deny, makes me question, is there another agenda at play?"

You can read the full statement here.

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